VENUS IN WANDERLAND - June 24, 2021 - Sagittarius Full Moon

VENUS IN WANDERLAND - June 24, 2021 - Sagittarius Full Moon

June ends on an intense note after the full moon on the 24th reflects its light onto those things we consider to be foundational for us.  There’s a sense of coming home to a place, an environment, a relationship where we feel we belong.  Venus will already be in Cancer, transforming relationships in deep ways as she aspects Pluto, planet of intense transformations.  A blend of empowerment and surrender comes through this period that gives us the urge to nurture and protect our loved ones intensely, especially in the face of bruit injustice.  We can experience some difficulties in communication within partnerships as truths that need discernment and clarification come to light.  Being brave enough to express our emotions in as much a loving and independent way as possible is going to help partnerships evolve.
In love, we look for approval and emotional stability from those we love and are willing to be available for others in this way as well. This means taking the time to bond in places we feel safe and nurtured like our home and kitchen. Cooking, eating, and other activities symbolic of nourishment like listening to soulful music open the heart, rebuild trust and lighten the burdens of stress and hardships experienced during the Spring.
The sweetest aspect of this period is the subtlety and softness of the love and emotion that lies behind everything we do.  Our sensuality is laced with a deep emotional connection that needs no words to be felt and transforms from a previously spiritual and Tantric love exchange to a nostalgic, comforting, secure one.  Soft textures like silk and soap bubbles deepen our sensual experiences, open the heart chakra, and stimulate our senses just enough.
This is a time where we will be very emotionally and physically sensitive.  Being gentle and open with ourselves and our lovers through soft speech, affection, and love making can mend deep wounds and nudge us into the summer solstice where the stress load of Spring will lighten, and we’ll have more time to bond and enjoy our connections.
With love, Dr. V

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