Venus in Wanderland: Yoni Ritual for Full Moon in Aquarious

Venus in Wanderland: Yoni Ritual for Full Moon in Aquarious

Be a unique expression of your individuation

Yesterday's Full Moon in Aquarius came in full force with the shiny new ingress of the Goddess Venus moving fully into the sign of Leo. With the light of the Leo Sun and the Aquarian Full Moon shining upon her, the Leonine desire for radical self-expression and indulgent self-exploration abounds.
The remaining two weeks of this lunar cycle will highlight major developments in our relationships, as Venus meets a lot of shifts, changes, and upheaval.
Focus the Full Moon energies on releasing attachments to being perceived a certain way by others, to unleash your ferocious leonine authentic voice, and to connect with community who shares values of authenticity and expression.
On the 18th, Venus trines expansive Jupiter in Aries, adding lots of fuel to our inner fire. Generally a welcome boost of energy and capacity to get projects and relationships moving, be cautious of too much of a good thing. This can be a day where you overdo all things pleasure, i.e.: too much sex, overindulgence on meeting your needs without consideration of others, etc. Generally speaking however, tapping into the creative potential of this energy this day will support you in moving through the remainder of the months when your relationships go through a test.
On the 24th, Venus trines wounded Chiron, bringing in that much desired conflict resolution opportunity from conflicts that may have risen with the new moon. The 26th she squares unpredictable Uranus, which is the test that will shake up stagnant beliefs about who you thought people in your life were, shaking up the stability in the relationship. It may also very well be that, if you've done your homework, a new exciting and unpredictable relationship/lover/friend shows up in your life. You'll quickly be put to the test with the energy that follows two days later on the 28th with Venus opposing Saturn, meaning that whatever rules and boundaries weren't established will be clearly apparent as needing to be established now. This is a really good time to define what a new relationship, or a new version of an old one, wants to be.
Suggested crystals to work with:
  • Red Jasper: Balances area in the body that feel sluggish or inactive. Promotes energy & motivation. Restores passion & libido. Calm emotions & reactivates passion for living.
  • Carnelian: Stone of motivation and endurance, helps put plan into action with confidence. Enhances fertility and the ability to conceive while stimulating passion and desire. Boosts creativity and clarifies the voice.
As we continue to work with the Leo energy as Venus has moved into this sign, sugar and spice and everything nice is the motto for the rest of August. Continue to work with Carnelian as the astrological energies fully support the desire to move into committed confidence. Red Jasper yoni wands will fully support the influx of sexual and passionate energy we'll experience at the end of the month.
The following rituals can be done solo or in partnership. The astrological key here is to be expressive, spicy, wild, and assertive. Create a sacred space in your playroom by lighting some candles, burning incense, placing an altar, & playing sexy music.
Back Scratches: A Leo loves to know that it has the support of loved ones to hold them through challenging times. Leo expels so much love to others that in response, it loves to receive that love back. Being ruled by the back, show your partner some love by scratching their back and allowing yourself to receive the touch. You will need a partner for this ritual. If you're solo, ask your friends or family to show some love in this way. Platonic touch is equally as healing as non-platonic one.
Acts of Service:  Show some appreciation and love towards other by doing something nice that they'd appreciate. Maybe it's creating a sexy and romantic environment for play to happen in. Maybe it's taking your person (or yourself!) out on a romantic date. Maybe it's running that errand for that friend. Venus in Leo says show your love to others by showing your appreciation. Underneath all the perception of ego with the Leo, is a deep desire to be loved and romanced.
Sexy Words of Affirmation for Your Yoni: This one will be a solo play ritual OR a solo play ritual with an audience. The activity and play for this is to be done with you for you (and if others want to watch, great!) Grab your yoni wand, sit in front of a body length mirror, spread your legs, and begin speaking words of affirmation to your yoni. Begin a self-pleasure practice that begins slowly, gently caressing the wand across your face, arms, hands, stomach, thighs, feet, and slowly eventually make your way to your yoni, spending some time externally pleasuring first. Tell yourself how much you adore yourself, how much you love all the work your yoni does with you. Allow yourself to move past whatever awkwardness presents and have this be a deep intuitive practice of self affirming love and pleasure!
Vanessa Kristina
Astrologer and Writer
Vanessa Kristina, founder of Mystik Monark, helps Mystik Misfits to uncover their Divine Purpose and shine light on their shadows through a no-BS spiritual counseling approach. Mystik Monark's mission is to connect Society to Divinity, one soul at a time.
As an Evolutionary Astrologer & Akashic Records Practitioner, Vanessa guides clients out of the existential spiritual closet and through dark nights of the soul so that they can unlock authentic expression and create their dream lives to experience the freedom, joy, and abundance of their soul-selves, through her signature Inner Mystik Mastery program. As a former corporate attorney, she integrates pragmatic actionable guidance with esoteric wisdom, inspiring a deep inner standing of who we are and who we came here to be.

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